Demo man vs soldier
Demo man vs soldier

demo man vs soldier

When WE are given an EXCLUSIVE, SECRET EXTRA WEAPON UNLOCK that could have gone to them. But they will never take our SATISFACTION. They may betray us and they may break our hearts. And at the END of this week, when the smoke clears and the dead are tallied, it will be the Demomen who emerge as the most LETHAL BLOODY KILLERS the Soldier’s ever made the great mistake of crossin'! THIS WEEK, lads, we have been granted the opportunity for revenge-against our crew-cutted betrayer, against Brutus Benedict Arnold Judas Bloody Iscariot himself: the SOLDIER! Every Soldier who dies by a Demoman’s hand will be noted in the annals of war. So they wheedle and deceive their way into our confidence, just to drive a shovel straight into our great, trustin' Achilles bloody hearts. Lads! Warriors! DEMOMEN! As I look out at ye with me tear-stained eye, I see the BEST BLOODY CLASS on the battlefield! No other class can deny it.

Demo man vs soldier